Categories: VPS Hosting

What Is a Dedicated Server for Gaming?

Most of the multiplayer games depend on the client host who hosts and plays the game simultaneously. Although simple, this setup may cause the performance issues like slow loading time, lag, dropped games, lost save files, and crashes, etc.

The dedicated server is an alternate hosting choice offering a more pleasant and stable gaming experience. Here, we are going to a brief introduction to the dedicated gaming servers.

Dedicated Gaming Server

Basically, a dedicated gaming server is a computer and it hosts a video game. Such a server provides a fast, stable, and reliable connection to the favorite online game. It also provides more memory, storage, and processing abilities as compared to other hosting services. No matter what game you want to play, it always has sufficient resources to run the game faster.

For all the famous online games, the dedicated server is best with good workloads, consisting of;

  • Counter-Strike Global Offensive
  • Ark
  • Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG)
  • Call of Duty
  • Minecraft
  • Fortnite
  • World of Warcraft
  • DOTA 2
  • Arma
  • Killing Floor

It is the best option for companies looking to create a reliable online platform for these players. Though, someone individually can also configure a private online playground and a gaming server.

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The reasons why a dedicated server is best for gaming

Every multiplayer online game has clients and a host;

  • Host: The server transmitting data to all the players and keeps the game in sync.
  • Clients: All the players who have participated in the game and don’t have the hosting responsibilities.

Mostly in online matches, the host can be the player who starts the game. The host plays the game’s local version with a computer or console. But this device keeps the whole game in sync for all clients.

The responsibility of the host is to handle;

  • The location of all the players in the game.
  • Player’s activity in the game.
  • Interaction of the players.
  • The leadout of all the characters.
  • The directions that players are facing
  • Physics happening around all the players.
  • Rules and scores

The host machine needs more bandwidth, processing, power, and memory the more players participate in the game by logging in and playing. If there is a bad internet connection or a week system of the host player, there will be bugs, crashes, and lag in the game.

In the setup of a dedicated server, the host doesn’t play the game. Rather than, all the players having a good connection and more computing power as compared to the average system or console connect to the server. It is unnecessary for the admin to;

  • Server configuration to make sure fluid gameplay (select and optimize the operating system, game configuration improvement, and install custom scripts).
  • Manage the number of players to join the game, to avoid players from chewing up processing time and memory.
  • Game rules customization, etc.

It also reduces the low-latency benefit the local host than other players. The lack of the improper benefit makes such a server best for competitive gaming.

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How does a dedicated gaming server work?

It manages all the hosting functions. The server is synchronized for game players and manages the following features of a game.

  • Location of the player
  • Loadouts (equipment and weapons)
  • The activity of the player
  • Physics
  • Score and rules of the game

However, it doesn’t run the game engine. The device doesn’t render something, so it doesn’t need GPU (graphics card). Despite all that is in the server in a large amount of RAM and CPU, while it tells the client machines when and what to render. The device of the client is responsible for;

  • Game controls
  • Graphics, and
  • Sound

Such setup results in an effective gaming workloads platform. The online games that are running on a dedicated server don’t experience glitches, lag, or crashes.

It enables you to run their gaming server from your home. But renting it from an IT service provider is a very easy and cheap option. When you have your dedicated gaming server is at a professional data center, you don’t have to worry about hardware costs, security, monitoring, and overheating. Moreover, it also provides you more responsive gameplay and higher bandwidth.

Advantages of the Dedicated Server For Gaming

The users can have several advantages with a dedicated gaming server that other hosting servers don’t offer;

Outstanding, uninterrupted performance

You can have an outstanding performance without interruption as a dedicated gaming server comes with a good internet connection and state of the art hardware. Moreover, you don’t have to face laggy gameplay and can expect a smoother game experience.

Reliable Infrastructure

There is a server monitoring for 24/7 by the dedicated machines, so the game remains available at all times. Even in case, the local grid becomes down, there is a backup generator of most of the data centers that makes sure the availability of the game.

You don’t even have to worry about excessive heat when using a dedicated gaming server. It doesn’t matter that how many actions a game sees, there is a constant cooling system of the data centers. This cooling system makes sure that the infrastructure can manage the workload.

High-Level Customization

It is the responsibility of the admin to define the required hardware to run the game. You can also select a good processor and RAM amount, as well as set bandwidth speed for the best gaming experience. Moreover, the admin is free to define the rules of the game.

It is also not your responsibility to decide who will enter the game. Make sure the server is available for the public, make its use as a private playground, or you can also create an online playground for the team. Furthermore, the admin can also remove the players from the game for high pinging or violation of the game rules.

For more information, go to Cheap and Reliable Virtual Private Server hosting services for you.


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